Nature & Energy Insights
Rare and Random Encounters You might not know it but that rare, random encounter with a wild animal in your backyard, at a park, or elsewhere may very well have a message for you. The great indigenous peoples of our world had a deep connection to our animal brethren and learned from them in many ways. Yet over the years, from the many competing demands of TV, computers, our phones, and more stimulation for our attention, we lost that connection. The good news is that it’s still right there, whenever you choose to tap into it. Today, we are fortunate that Shamans and other indigenous people still abound and continue teaching what great wisdom our wild animal brethren can bring to us. I’ve had numerous examples in my own life in which a particular animal showed up. I looked up the meaning for that animal, and sure enough it had profound meaning for something I was experiencing in my life right at that moment. I have also had readings from others who have told me that a Hawk or other animal was at a particular place and time to deliver a message to me. These rare encounters are exactly that. Were you walking alone on a hiking path when a deer, coyote, bear, or other animal appeared from nowhere? Have you been in your backyard when an unusual bird species for your yard, such as a hawk or a crow, showed up? There are many resources – including Google and books on the topic - where you can learn more. I keep an app and a book to look up the meaning of specific animals that I encounter. See the Resources section below for some examples. Likewise, if you have a deep and unexplained connection to a particular animal species, they may be what is referred to as a “spirit animal”, "power animal" or “animal totem” in your life. They may stay with you your whole life to provide meaning or may stay for a finite period of time until you learn the “medicine” of their wisdom or message. Others may also show up with new lessons to guide you. We often miss the opportunity for their guidance until we become mindful and present to them. Whale and dolphin energy Because of their higher level of consciousness, the whales and dolphins are examples of animals who are waiting to be of service to us any time that we need them. Whether you’ve been in the water with them or on a boat encountering them, you know the energy already. It’s magical and difficult to describe. Encounters with these special animals leave us with a lightness, a happiness, a joy in our hearts that is truly unparalleled. Their healing also dovetails nicely with, although seemingly unrelated to, the healing power of sound therapy aka vibrational medicine and biofield tuning. Beyond any singular encounter I have had with whales in the ocean – and I have had many over the years – the one with the most profound and lasting effect on me was one I couldn’t even see - a "singer". Singers are typically individual males, singing while hanging suspended in deeper water. I could dedicate an entire blog to these songs, how they differ between hemispheres, how they evolve each year, the frequencies they contain. But what I so acutely recall is the reverberation – shifting from one part of my body to another as the frequency changed from very deep to very high - as I glided there in the water. Feeling revitalized, full of joy and amazement, I was forever changed. “The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” - Nikola Tesla When I snorkel off the coast of Maui during winter "Humpbacks season", I yearn to feel this again, as their songs carry as shallow as 3 feet under the surface. It’s not the same proximity or intensity of the sounds of my single whale that day in the Atlantic, but the Maui Humpback songs again fill me with tremendous joy. If you can’t swim, snorkel, or get to places where you can hear and feel the whales sing, not to worry. You can tap into that same energy anywhere. There are widely-available recordings of their songs – on CDs, online, on YouTube – and you can use them while meditating even thousands of miles away from them, to bring healing and joy into your life when you want or need it. You can also attend crystal bowl sessions – or buy the same bowls yourself - that use the same frequencies our cetacean friends use to communicate. Example resources at the end of the article. By the way, one way to say thanks and give back to them for all of the love and healing they bring to us is to join the monthly Global Healing Meditation with others to bring healing to their waters around the world. In part 2 of this blog post, I’ll talk about our connection to our pets. Resources
There are many wonderful resources below and beyond. I hope this list helps get you started. Be well, be open, and may your journey be richer thanks to the help of our animal brethren….. Totem/Spirit Animal meaning Animal Speak by Ted Andrews Spirit Animals on Facebook How to Work with Animal Spirit Guides by Dr. Steven Farmer Pocket Guide to Spirit Animals by Dr. Steven Farmer Dolphin and Whale energy
If you're interested in bringing nature-themed products into your home, please visit us here. For ocean-specific themed products of whales and other ocean friends, please see our Ocean Lovers collection here. New products added regularly.
For the last few weeks, I’ve enjoyed the transiting Allen’s Hummingbirds as they migrate through the area on their way south. I always look forward to their arrival. The males arrive much earlier than the females and this year, we saw very few males. The males typically only visit ~3 to 4 July every year. But this year we saw a shift in the date of arrivals of all migrating hummingbirds, so we presumed they, too, would be late. Unfortunately for us, the only opportune time for a family vacation overlapped the typical male Allens’ arrivals, so regardless of when they did transit, we seemed to miss them. However, the volume of female and possibly young juvenile male Allen's transiting through this year are helping make up for my disappointment. Interestingly, for the better part of a week, I thought the same female was frequenting our backyard. However later review of my photos revealed it was indeed 2 different females. So who knows just how many we’ve been seeing over the last few weeks. Regardless, it has been a joy to watch them and be entertained. One female stayed for only ~24-48 hours and ruthlessly chased every single hummingbird away – from BOTH large feeders. Another stationed herself in a tree above one feeder and chased all hummers away from just the one feeder. Another positioned herself under the pergola on the draped lights – again darting after every hungry hummer at that feeder. Through it all, we’re reminded of those striking differences between Allens and the other hummingbirds: the shorter beaks, the constant view of their tongues, and of course their vocalizations. I don’t ever recall Allen's migrating through as late as September but, as long as it still means a safe migration for them, I’m thrilled to see the constant flow of new little visitors. Meanwhile, we’re still enjoying all of the quite young new Black-chinned and Annas arrivals of the season. The feeders and the backyard sage and other flowers are ablaze with little fast-moving wings. There are so many that at dusk it’s like a hummingbird highway – we look out above and around us as we happen upon the back patio at this critical time. We know this stage, too, is temporary – soon our little Black-chinned friends will migrate south, and the Annas will disperse to establish their own territories and we’ll see fewer at the feeders and across the backyard. So for now, I relish this time with them – taking in their beauty, their antics, and just their mere presence that cheers me even on my most stressful day of work. I have tremendous gratitude - thank you, tiny ones, for making our lives so much richer, vibrant, and joyful…..and Godspeed for the migration ahead. Please remember to phone your nearest wildlife rehabilitator if you find any bird or other animal in distress, injured, or otherwise in need of care. And may you discover and relish the many treasures that nature bestows on you in your own backyards - regardless of season..... |
January 2023
AuthorPamela, Eyes4Nature's proprietor, enjoying life out in the field among the animals and the peacefulness of nature. Categories